The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of Oct 10, 2021]
Hello my fellow crafter friend, Happy Friday!! Just a few weeks before the holiday season begins and I am soooo excited to complete all my DIY card projects & scrapbooks so I can send them on time Are you working on a new project too? If you are, keep reading! Today I’m sharing with you my…

[FOR CARD MAKERS ONLY] 7 Thanksgiving Cards to make this month!
If you’ve been following my blogs and social media posts, I have been talking so much about the beauty of fall. This is my favorite season. Aside from Halloween and my favorite of course the pumpkins! I just love seeing the world as it changes its color and a month of ThanksGiving! There are just…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of September 26th, 2021]
Hello my fellow crafter friend This weekend, I plan to unbox my new craft supplies. I love receiving and opening gifts from myself! I have new ideas to make, especially now that the holiday is just around the corner. Do you have crafty plans this weekend too? If you do, keep reading! Today I’m…

7 Quick DIY Halloween favor and card ideas to make this week!
I LOVE Halloween! When my kids were little, we were excited to plan for the Halloween costumes, planning the Halloween treats and of course the most fun part, the Halloween card making! If you also love halloween as we do, then keep reading Below I have listed 7 Quick DIY Halloween favors and card…