[FOR CARD MAKERS ONLY] 7 Stunning Easter Cards to make this year!
I know a lot of people loves to make and send out birthday cards or Christmas cards, but for me, one of my favorite card to make is an Easter card! I thought it would so nice to send or received cards for Easter this year, so I’m preparing now! Today, I spent some time researching…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of January 30, 2022]
Happy Friday fellow crafters! It’s the weekend again, and time to get those creative juice flowing! Aside from the normal house chores (for real, the laundry never ends!), I’ve got a bunch of crafty ideas to work on in the next 2 days! Do you plan to spend any time in your craft room this…

7 Funny Birthday Cards to make this year!
While many of us rely on social media to send birthday wishes, I still prefer the “old school” way that makes my loved ones feel extra special by making birthday cards. … And one of my favorite styles to make are funny birthday cards! I always believe that laughter is the purest form of joy.…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of January 16, 2022]
Hello fellow crafters! I am SOOO excited to share this newsletter with you because there are some super-cute project ideas in here! Every weekend I try to allocate time to work on my ongoing projects (You know what those are 🙂 and to check Pinterest or Instagram for more craft inspiration (of course!). But I’m…