The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of April 15, 2022]
Happy Friday my crafter friend! I am always grateful for Fridays because #1) this day is a great day to reflect on all we’ve accomplished over the week and #2) finally… BONUS: I have some new craft supplies that got delivered this week! So obviously, I’m going to be oh-so-busy 😉 To help us all…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of December 19, 2021]
Happy Friday my fellow crafter friend! It’s been busy week so this weekend, I **had** planned to take a rest and do nothing (haha, right?!) But then I heard the call of unfinished projects waiting for me in my craft room! So I know what I’ll be doing 😀 I even stocked up on diet…

7 Quick DIY Halloween favor and card ideas to make this week!
I LOVE Halloween! When my kids were little, we were excited to plan for the Halloween costumes, planning the Halloween treats and of course the most fun part, the Halloween card making! If you also love halloween as we do, then keep reading 🙂 Below I have listed 7 Quick DIY Halloween favors and card…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of Aug 29th, 2021]
Hello my fellow crafter! It’s been a fun-busy week at work and with the day-to-day things at my house (you know… cooking, laundry, all the fun things. Also, I’m working on a whole bunch of different projects that I soooo want to finish before Christmas, so this weekend I’m dedicating my time in my “happy…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of Aug 1st, 2021]
Hello there fellow crafters! It’s been a busy week at my place with grandkids to watch, veggie to pick out of the garden, and kicking my pesky cat (I’m looking at you, Mr. Roy) out of my craft room because he likes to push everything onto the floor… Stinker. But silly cats aside, it’s almost…

Graduation Scrapbook album and scrap page Inspiration you’ve GOT to see!!!
For the students, graduation is more than just throwing a cap in the air, or dressing up. It is the beginning of their journey to self-discovery as they unravel what it is that they really want out of life. Keeping these memories is so important. When my kids graduated, I made cards and scrapbooks for…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of April 4th]
Happy Friday my crafty friend! This weekend, I want to stay home and craft… Being creative is not just a hobby, for us crafters it’s a way of life! Below, I’ve listed my favorite scrapbooking and card-making inspiration of the week, so you can start working on your own fun projects too! Hope you enjoy! …

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of March 14th, 2021]
Happy Friday my fellow crafters!! The weekend is finally here. I have so much stuff to do this weekend but I might end up “Procraftinating” working on a project when I should be doing the laundry, cooking dinner, or cleaning the house! You know the struggle of a creative personality 😉 To get you ready,…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of February 14th, 2021]
Hello fellow crafters! I hope your paper crafting this week is going awesome. As usual, Friday is my favorite day of the week because I can share with you a list of my favorite Scrapbook and Cardmaking ideas. Hugs and happy scrapping, Kathy ❤️ Top Project Photo of the Week The explosion box is on my to-do…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of February 7th, 2021]
Hello there my paper-crafter friend! How’s your week going? I am always grateful for Fridays… it means I get to relax from the busy weekdays and start to work on my (never-ending) to-do projects. That said, my weekend forecast is cardmaking with no chance of house cleaning! To start up the crafty weekend vibe, I’ve…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of January 24th, 2021]
Hello my dearest crafter friend. It’s 2 days before Valentine’s Day and I have to ask: Any plans this weekend? My husband and I will just stay at home (because of COVID) but my new craft supplies arrived today!! That means my craft room will be getting tons of love this weekend! 😉 Oh, I…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of January 17th, 2021]
Hello, fellow paper crafters! I am sooo excited for this weekend and a chance to play with some brand-new craft supplies I ordered that finally came in (There is nothing more exciting than seeing that box sitting on your doorstep, I swear!). Are you ready for some quality time at your craft table??? Then join me!…

5 Adorable Coffee -Themed cards to make this weekend!
“But, Grandpa, I want to try it!” My 5 year-old granddaughter gives my husband that “wide-eyed” look she does so well. She then glances at his coffee cup, back to him, to the coffee cup again. “You won’t like it,” my husband warns her. “But I want to try. You drink it all the time.”…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of January 3rd 2021]
Hello there, my crafter friend! How was your week? I hope your craft room gets a ton of love this weekend. (I’m excited to finish up my new projects for Valentine’s day!) Today, I’ve gathered my Best of the Week inspiration 🙂 Here’s my list of the most stunning scrapbook pages, card making inspirations, and…

7 Ideas for making Mini Albums using mint tins or boxes
Alright ladies… have you seen these adorable little mini albums that folks have been building inside old mint tins??? They have 100% been my obsession on Pinterest lately (and may be while I bought my husband a whole bunch of mints this Christmas 😜😁) [CLICK HERE to read on the blog] … And now that…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of December 13th 2020]
Hello fellow crafter, and Happy 2021!! Another busy week and finally we’ve welcomed the New Year! (and let me tell you… There are so many projects that I am looking forward to completing this year.! That’s right, I won’t just start projects. This year I also vow to finish them 🙂 As a warm up…

Paper Craft Project Planning for 2021
It’s a new year and of course that only means one thing… (no, not that it’s time to start a gym plan that I won’t keep to) It’s time to plan my MAJOR craft projects for the year! This is a ritual that I do every January… sit down and think about all the fun…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of November 29th 2020]
Hello, my dearest fellow crafters! Another week has passed and since Friday is finally here, all I want is to spend more time in my craft room, make pretty things and forget adulting! This week I’ve gathered some of my favorite card and scrap page inspirations of the week! Hopefully, they’ll give you the burst…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of November 22nd 2020]
I hope you are all doing well. It’s another crafty week again, I’m sure you’re all excited for the Holidays and getting those Holiday cards out to everyone! (I have envelopes/ stamps all over the place… my poor husband had to move a stack off the dining room table so he could eat dinner 🙂 …

6 Last Minute DIY Crafty Gift Idea to Make for the Holidays 2020
Alright, everyone… we ALL KNOW that the holidays are crazy-time for crafters like us. (Have you ever sped-built Christmas cards??? I know I have!) But every year, I always LOVE being able to make hand-made gifts for my friends and family… … and this year, I feel like the extra effort will be extra-special! So…