The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of December 20th 2020]
Oh, my fellow crafter… can you believe another week has come and gone?!?! For me, it’s been BUSY as usual (day jobs… whatcha ‘ya going to do?) but I am so excited that the weekend is finally here because it means I get to spend time in my happy place (aka. my craft room). If…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of December 20th 2020]
Hello my fellow crafter! Another busy week down and finally it’s the weekend!! You know what that means… Craft Room Time! 😉 For your weekly dose of paper-craft inspiration, I’ve gathered together my absolute favorite card and scrap page of the week ❤️ Hope you enjoy and happy making! Hugs, Kathy Top Project Photo of the…

[FOR CRAFTERS ONLY] Brand New Cute Scrap Papers you HAVE to see!
I’ve been eye-balling soooo many cute things this year and one of my absolute favorite things to look at is paper. All the paper. I want it 😁 I know that as a fellow paper-craft, you understand the obsession with paper. The fun paper, the glitter paper, the vintage paper…. All the paper! So to…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of December 13th 2020]
Hello fellow crafter, and Happy 2021!! Another busy week and finally we’ve welcomed the New Year! (and let me tell you… There are so many projects that I am looking forward to completing this year.! That’s right, I won’t just start projects. This year I also vow to finish them 🙂 As a warm up…

Paper Craft Project Planning for 2021
It’s a new year and of course that only means one thing… (no, not that it’s time to start a gym plan that I won’t keep to) It’s time to plan my MAJOR craft projects for the year! This is a ritual that I do every January… sit down and think about all the fun…

2020 Top funny christmas craft memes and photos
With the holidays just DAYZ away (crazy, I know!) I had to share with you this hilarious collection of my 2020 Top funny Christmas craft memes and photos! Since we can all use a little light-hearted giggle this time of year, I decided to go and hunt LOL-worthy holiday projects or crafty memes that just made…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of November 22nd 2020]
I hope you are all doing well. It’s another crafty week again, I’m sure you’re all excited for the Holidays and getting those Holiday cards out to everyone! (I have envelopes/ stamps all over the place… my poor husband had to move a stack off the dining room table so he could eat dinner 🙂 …

6 Last Minute DIY Crafty Gift Idea to Make for the Holidays 2020
Alright, everyone… we ALL KNOW that the holidays are crazy-time for crafters like us. (Have you ever sped-built Christmas cards??? I know I have!) But every year, I always LOVE being able to make hand-made gifts for my friends and family… … and this year, I feel like the extra effort will be extra-special! So…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of November 15th 2020]
Hello there my crafter friend! How was your week? I hope your craft room gets a ton of love this weekend. I am excited to finish up my Christmas card projects and proceed to the next one 😉 Always a next one! Today, I’ve gathered my Best of the Week inspiration 🙂 Here’s my shortlist…

7 Christmas Scrapbook Page layouts and ideas you HAVE to see!
Welcome December!!! 😆 Now that winter is finally here (and my husband says it’s “okay” to play Christmas music all the time… silly man, doesn’t he know that any time is good time???), I had to share this week’s collection with you! It’s one of my favorites… Christmas Scrap Page Ideas! Every year, I LOVE…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of November 8th]
Hello fellow crafter! It’s another fun crafty-week in my house again (making Christmas cards for family) and working on the new scrap pages that I thought would be finished in three hours but nope, have ended up taking all week! haha You know my philosophy: work hard, craft harder! 😉 Ready for a little inspiration…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of November 1st 2020]
Hello my fellow crafters and WELCOME to another edition of the “best of”!!! It’s been a fun week of crafting at my house (lots of getting holiday cards prepped for the month! Here’s a sneak peek at one of the shaker’s that I made…) 🙂 So cute, right??? And who doesn’t LOVE a shaker card?…

DIY Christmas Gift Tag Project ideas to make this December!
I’m elbow-deep in sweet potato casserole today but that doesn’t mean that I’ve been neglecting my craft room 😊In fact… I’m more than 75% DONE with my Christmas cards! 🥳 Here’s a sample for you, and (I know this will shock you), they’re all shakers! Side Note: The cat card is based off my own…

10 Beautiful Fall Inspired Scrapbook Album Ideas
Every year as we get closer and closer to Thanksgiving, I LOVE to take a moment to think about how blessed my life has been… …my kids (who have grown into wonderful people) and grandkids I adore❤️ … a little front garden filled with flowers … and a husband who I still like! (After all…

The week’s BEST Card & Scrapbook Inspiration! [Week of October 25th]
Hello fellow crafters it’s been a long week of crazy-busy in my house with random projects and, you know, normal life (hello, laundry, I’m looking at you) 😁 But this weekend I have BLOCKED time away to sit and make stuff (which, if I’m honest, is all I ever really want to do on the weekend!)…

DIY Stamped Thank you card ideas that are so beautiful you might cry
Has someone ever done something for you that was so special, so extraordinary, or just so delightfully unexpected that you wanted to thank them in a way that showed how much it meant to you? Have you ever wished that you could really express how much you appreciate someone? We all know that thank you…

11 Scrapbook Page Ideas for 4th of July
(SIDE NOTE: Make sure you scroll to the end to download your FREE PRINTABLE!) It’s the 4th of July! Time to celebrate by dressing up the cat… (He just LOVED when I do this 🙂 Oh, and make a scrap page about it! (of course 🙂 Side Note: Make sure you read through to the end…

7 Handmade Card Idea Inspirations for 4th of July
Get ready to dive into your red, white, and blue paper stash with these beautiful handmade, stamped card ideas for 4th of July… But first! … indulge me in a little Forth to July humor (in honor of my father-in-law, who is 99 years old, fought in WWII, and is a lover of all the…

Scrapbooking with Traveler’s Notebooks
I have a teeny, weeny obsession right now with Traveler’s Notebooks. BTW, they make AMAZING scrapbooks. Also called Midori Journals, most are a simple leather cover with a band inside that lets you slip blank notebook in and out. The Standard Notebook about the size of half a sheet of 8.5″ x11″ paper (actual size…

Make the cutest Pink Paper Purse
See how to make the cutest ever paper purse using your 12 x 12 papers. Supplies required are minimal and you should have what you need at home. Of course, if you “need” to go to the craft store and get some paper, we won’t stop ya! You will need a score board, scoring tool…