Another fun Craft Room
Take a peak at another fellow scrappers craft room. Love these organizers! Lot’s of supplies in a very compact space. Be sure to go over and see the rest of the photos of this craft room Happy Organizing! Team Scrapbooking Daily Photo source: Embellished Paper Resource: Embellished Paper

Make your own Ink Pad Storage
You’ll never guess what was used to make this ink pad storage box. This is something I could do. No dangerous band saws or chop saws to use. No splinters in my fingers, no staining or painting or lots and lots of sanding. No struggling to get this in the house because it ways a…

Awesome Craft Room
Be amazed at this awesome looking craft room. Go here to see the rest of the photos of this amazing room. http://www.stampnstorage.com/blog/studio-showcase-winner-june-2012-maralee-r/ Great inspiration for my space as well. Might swipe a few of these ideas and run with them. Happy Drooling! Team Scrapbooking Daily

Awesome Craft Room
Take a walking tour of a gorgeous craft room. Full of natural light, lot’s of windows, big spaces, it’s a scrapbookers dream. Loving the gallery wall for pictures and art. Check out all the wonderful storage ideas and get started on your own space. Have a wonderful tour. And the nice thing is…. it doesn’t…

Craft Room Tour
Take a walking tour through this craft room. My scrapbooking space is 49 sq ft (7′ x7′) and with a lot of planning and some great storage solutions I was able to maximize my space Every square inch is used in the best way possible. Love the cork board with the butterflies taking off. Look…

DIY Ink Pad Holders
Make Your Own Ink Pad Holder is the coolest ever. This is an awesome way to store your ink pads. It even has room at the top for the re-inkers and a few supplies. Each one is made individually, so you can add as many as you need and it can expand as your…

(Video) Organize Your Stamps and Dies
Be able to find anything you have in a flash with this system. Trying to keep your stamps and dies together? Can’t find the ones you want? Has the cat batted them across the room and now they’ve scooted under the table? Bending down to retrieve things is a pain. You need to get organized…

Small Scrap Paper Organizing
Get those scrap papers lined up like ducks! We all have them. Bins of scrap paper. Some bins are bigger than others. When it gets to be dumpster sized, something probably needs to be done besides rolling it out to the corner 🙂 Using inexpensive photo storage boxes (you can get this on the cheap…